Grant Title: Waseeb Aman Kath-II (Community Peace Assembly)
Grant Number PCD-052
Grant Location Multan
Start Date 10-07-2019
End Date 28-05-2020
Status Completed
This project was aimed to engage community members to counter the influence of VE groups and dissemination of extremist propaganda by forming additional Waseeb Aman Kaths in District Multan. During the project, 25 additional Waseeb Aman Kaths (WAKs) were formed in uncovered villages in two Union Councils (Jhok Wains and Ailam Pur) of Bosan Town of District Multan. Their capacity was built through number of training on specialized CVE modules, WAK roles and responsibilities, record keeping, sustainability, SAP planning and implementation for CVE centric initiatives in their constituencies. WAKs strengthened their work by developing and organizing Social Action Projects (SAPs) by engaging maximum local community members from diverse backgrounds. These WAKs served as a common place where people from all segments of local community sit together on regular basis and developed strategies to minimize local VE conflicts with consensus. This intervention increased broad-based citizen engagement in community decision-making. Sanjh Pakistan successfully engaged 11600 indirect and 586 direct beneficiaries from diverse backgrounds.